Terms of Use

Data protection

The protection of your personal information is governed by the Personal Data Protection Act.


All authors are responsible for compliance with the privacy policy.


This website contains links to other websites. Please note that Frka d.o.o. can not be held responsible for respecting the privacy of the user on the said web site. We invite our users to read privacy statements of each website that collects personal information. This Privacy Statement applies solely to the information collected on this website.

Using cookies


Websites use the  cookies to provide the user with full functionality and quality content. Cookies represent a set of data generated by the web server and saved by the web browser to a user's disk in the form of a small text file with certain user data.

Types of cookies


Websites use the following cookies:

  • Session cookies - are placed on a web site user only for the duration of their visit to this site and thus enables the user to more effectively serve the web site.
  • Persistent Cookies - These are cookies that will remain "recorded" in the user's Internet browser until it expires or it manually does not delete it. Collected information is anonymous and does not include user's personal information.

Why to allow cookies?


The website uses cookies:

  • in order to provide better user experience;
  • for the correct operation of the page (where this is necessary).


The webpage can always control the receipt of cookies independently through the settings of their web browser. Frka d.o.o. excludes any liability for any loss of functionality and / or quality of the content of the website in all cases of selecting the control of receiving cookies by the user.


Frka d.o.o. is not responsible for the cookies of other web sites that are not owned by them. User-generated cookie information will link the web site to other user data to better understand the needs of the user and provide better user experience, only on the basis of privacy received from the user.


What if a user does not accept cookies?


If a user does not accept cookies, certain features of this web site may not be displayed or work properly. This will limit the user's opportunities to the web site and could affect design and user experience.


How to manage cookies​​​​​​​


In your web browsers, you can delete cookies and manage the general cookie settings, here links to the instructions of popular Firefox, Chrome, Safari browsers.


Delete and manage your browser settings​​​​​​​


Most web browsers allow a complete ban on cookies or ban on third-party cookies. If you block all your cookies in your browser, many sites you visit on the Internet will not work properly, so do not even ours.



By using a web site, it is considered that the user is always familiar with these terms of use, including data processing and cookie options.

Frka d.o.o. reserves the right to modify the content of these web sites and will not be liable for any possible consequences resulting from such changes.​​​​​​​